1978年出生在美国德克萨斯州奥斯丁市,本杰明·麦肯锡(全名Benjamin McKenzie Schenkkan)来自于一个文学世家,他的父母都曾在年轻时从事过表演,现在分别是一位律师和一位女诗人,他有一位获得过普利策奖的剧作家叔叔Robert Schenkkan,此外耶鲁毕业的哥哥目前活跃在纽约的先锋剧场,就读于波莫纳学院的弟弟同样也具有表演天赋。本杰明·麦肯锡曾在弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔的弗吉尼亚大学主修国际关系和经济学,期间逐渐确定了表演作为自己的职业方向,于2001年搬至纽约城寻找更多的演出机会。在那里他一边通过端盘子来养活自己,一边出演了《Life is a Dream》、《Street Scene》、《The Blue Bird》等外百老汇戏剧,而在来到洛衫基之后他幸运地得到了主演FOX的青春连续剧《橘子郡男孩》的机会,这部高开低走的剧集最终在07年2月因不佳的收视率而被取消,但本杰明·麦肯锡同合作的米莎·巴顿、亚当·布罗迪以及蕾切尔·比尔森等人早已成为在青少年观众中拥有极高知名度的青春偶像。
Erin Richards (born 17 May 1986) is a Welsh actress, best known for playing Molly Hughes in the television series Breaking In and Barbara Kean in the television series Gotham.
Date of Birth24 September 1985, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Height 5' 6" (1.68 m) Mini Bio (1) Jessica Lucas (born September 24, 1985[1]) is a Canadian actress and singer. She is known for her roles in television, such as Edgemont, Melrose Place, and Cult, and in the films The Covenant, Cloverfield and the 2013 Evil Dead. She also starred in the music video for Coldplay's 2014 single "True Love". Lucas was born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia.[1][2] She began acting at seven years old, and trained with the Children's Arts Theatre School in Toronto.[3] She started her career appearing in stage productions,[3] including local productions of Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, Grease, Cinderella, Mousetrap and Music Medley.