- The season premiere begins at the iconic Lincoln Center where Christian Siriano, Nina Garcia, Elaine Welteroth, and Brandon Maxwell welcome a talented group of new designers eager to show the world their skills and creativity. In a Project Runway first, the designers will be split into two teams living and working sepa…
- 13名来自过去数季《天桥骄子》的时装设计师将重返该节目,向与他们失之交臂的冠军发起第二次挑战。超模Angela meijubar.net Lindvall担任该节目的主持人,世界著名时装设计师Isaac Mizrahi和Georgina Chapman担任评委,《Marie Claire》杂志主编Joanna Coles担任顾问。每一集都有时装界的标志性人物担当客座评委,他们当中包括Miss Pig…