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  • 两个漂亮的女人,玛格丽特和她最好的朋友来到阿姆斯特丹去见她的摄影师男友。她们很快就会接触到非常自由的性生活,虽然传统的天真和胆小的玛格丽特并不那么喜欢,但她的朋友希望参与包括女同性恋和其他各种性行为在内的行动;他们甚至目睹了一场“金色阵雨”。玛格丽特越来越难以抗拒这种奇怪的性爱仙境的诱惑,她的冒险以一种最淫荡和诡异的方…
  • Pornographic Blacksploitation. Quasi, a Black man with a 9 inch tongue lives alone with a pet frog. Since his girl friend left him 2 years ago he has become mute and used by everyone. While playing chess by himself on a park bench he is humiliated by a young woman. He's then sexually taken advantage of by his gay docto…