- This story is a family drama about JJ, a lonely, yet talented, adolescent who is grief stricken by the loss of his grandfather, recent relocation to the USA and being overlooked by a family that are too absorbed in their own dramas to notice him. JJ is coerced by his one friend to expose his amazing guitar skills on a …
- 在经济高速发展的今天,人们执著于优渥的物质生活,而开始遗忘曾经的创痛。 广岛和长崎,两个曾遭受原子弹毁灭的城市,而今活跃在这里的年轻人们已经遗忘了半个多世纪前的战争和笼罩在祖辈头顶上空的蘑菇云。但对某一类人来说,这确是一段永生难忘的恐怖记忆。本片采访了经历过原爆的生还者,他们回忆了战争时期的生活、原爆的恐怖瞬间、爆…
- ...This mythical tale of a young queen, Alphise, determined to abdicate rather than contemplate an enforced marriage to a descendant of Boreas, is nothing less than highly-charged. Director Robert Carsen and his creative team flood the stage with summer blossoms, drifts of autumn leaves, winter snows and thunderous spr…
- 《奪命勾魂》大製片家 又一部驚慄恐怖傑作麥克小時候目睹父親弒母的畫面,從此就擔心自己也會遺傳父親殘忍的性格,於是在萬聖節這天,聽從印第安好友克羅的建議,召集一班的好友一起舉行驅魔儀式,但是麥克父親的邪靈卻悄悄的從墓地爬起,將他的好友一個一個殺死,到底麥克要怎麼做,才能打敗自己的恐懼,克服父親的控制呢?