搜索 Ahmad

  • Khaled returns from USA to his mother's funeral at his hometown: Alexandria, Egypt. He decides to make it a fresh new start even if it meant mending his first love story yet it proved a horrific failure. Khaled clashed big time with a changing more conservative Alexandria but He also stumbles upon fresh youth strugglin…
  • 在战火频繁的阿富汗,一名阿富汗男子与一名马来西亚国际人道主义工作者之间逐渐产生感情
  • During the Iran-Iraq war, Reza's wife gives birth, and dies soon afterward. Reza is taken as POW. Shokooh finds Reza's baby and raises her as her own. Many years later, Reza find's his daughter again...
  • 两个小男孩同时观看一部有关动物的动画片,每当他们看一个场景时,其中的一个男孩总是说:“我也能”,并且模仿动物的动作,但是当他们看到一只鸟儿展翅飞翔时,两人都沉默不语了。
  • The poetry of Sufi mystic Rumi was director Aslani’s major influence in creating this complex tale featuring narratives and tableaux sumptuously referencing Persian mythology and history. A young woman stranded on a roadside with her paren…
  • Ajo Kawir is a fighter who fears nothing, not even death. His raging urge to fight is driven by a secret: his impotence. When he crosses paths with a tough female fighter named Iteung, Ajo gets beaten black and blue, but he also falls head over heels in love. Will Ajo’s path lead him to a happy life with Iteung, and, e…
  • Two friends, named Shahrokh and Siavash, have paved a criminal path. By the help of a girl who helps them in their cons, they set a trap for a rich criminal and rob him of all his fortune and send him to jail. Shahrokh is addicted to gambling and cheats the table to win a lot of money. But Siavash is against it. Shahro…
  • 电影
    库尔德族少年阿尤(Rojin Younessi 饰)家在两伊边界,他每天带着年幼的妹妹,以及罹患侏儒症的哥哥到混乱的人力市场讨零工补贴家用。某日,他们的父亲误触地雷身亡,哥哥的病已不能再拖下去,妹妹上学又需要练习薄,悲痛的阿尤不得不更加卖力地挣钱,于是他向叔叔借来了骡子,每天在冰天雪地里运货,牲口在上路之前必须喂食掺酒的水激发体力。…
  • Hang Tuah 要杀了 Hang Jebat, 人民暴动,马来风情,上等喋血大乱斗!
  • 电影剧情