搜索 Arik

  • On the day she celebrates her birthday, Jeanne, a young actress, is told by her mother her father is an Indian she once met on the banks on the river Ganges. From then on, Jeanne acts with singleness of purpose: she leaves the rehearsal of the the play "Sainte Jeanne des Abattoirs" she had wanted so much to b…
  • 这是导演Frantisek Vlacil 的一部充满幻想的作品,他的前作《乱世英豪》荣登捷克电影百大榜首。故事背景是在13世纪,这部原始而强有力的诗史片通过叙述12岁小男孩Ondrej与日耳曼骑士结成手足情谊的故事来反映基督教和异教徒之间的竞争与冲突。影片中冷酷的影象让人想起爱森斯坦的巨作《亚历山大·内夫斯基》。影片中的人物被情欲的关系所摧毁,…
  • Three parallel strories of immigrants in Tel Aviv during the Gulf War and about coming together while sealed in a room during the Scud attacks.
  • 因为妇产科护士坦承12年前将有钱中产阶级的Quesnoy家的男孩与下层阶级Groselle(北非移民)家的女孩掉包,现在Quesnoy不想交还女 儿,还想把儿子Momo买过来。Momo是在粗野恶劣的家庭环境中长大的早熟聪明圆滑小惯窃,但是他到了Quesnoy家却把他们弄得鸡犬不宁。这是一部社会讽刺剧,对有钱阶级和没钱阶级同时进行炮轰。故事讲一个护士跟上司有染…
  • 电影
    The geologist Lance Hackett is employed by an Australian mining company to map the subsoil of a desert area covered with ant hills prior to a possible uranium extraction. His work is impeded by some aborigines who explain that this is the place where the green ants dream. Disturbing their dreaming will destroy humanity…
  • 家住金泽的教师堀川周平(笠智众 饰)是一个人生坎坷的男人,他的妻子早年去世,多年来周平独自含辛茹苦将儿子良平养大。在某次郊游中,一名学生不幸溺毙,周平作为负责人引咎辞职。失去工作后他带着儿子回到故乡信州,并在村里谋得一份差使勉强度日。良平学习还算用功,他进入中学后寄宿学校,而为了能供儿子完成接下来的学业,周平只身前往东…
  • 谢尔盖(Valentin Popov 饰)、尼古拉(尼古拉·古边科 Nikolai Gubenko 饰)和斯拉瓦(斯坦尼斯拉夫·柳布申 Stanislav Lyubshin 饰)是从小玩到大的青梅竹马的好友,长大后,他们都选择了当兵报效祖国,在退役之后,三人走上了他们不同的人生道路。谢尔盖一直想要进入动力学院念书,但因为父亲在早年间的战争中不幸丧命,母亲和妹妹维拉(斯维…
  • In this film, a couple, after seeing the lovely job a friend of theirs has done in converting an old mill house into a cozy mansion, moves into an old farmhouse after persuading the current owner, an old man, to leave. When they arrive, he appears to be preparing to leave, but it soon becomes evident that the man has n…
  • 电影剧情
    近未来,法国巴黎黑势力横行,以大毒枭塔哈(Bibi Naceri 饰)为首的黑帮更是横行无忌,连当地警方都惧怕三分。软弱的警方无法对抗势力强悍的黑帮,只能用围墙和工事将不法分子所在的区域隔离。在这个被称为“13区”的地方,鱼龙混杂,暗流涌动。年轻的小混混雷托(David Belle 饰)拒绝塔哈的毒品生意,双方发生激烈冲突。雷托原本将塔哈扭送警…