- 2011年3月11日的东日本大地震,摧毁了无数人的家园和生活。作为电影工作者,无论如何也希望拿起手中的摄像机,记录下这个令人永生难忘的时刻。以此为契机,41名电影人集结在一起,以3分11秒时长为限,拍摄了42部短片,并连缀汇集成名为《3·11明日》的短片集。包括河濑直美、入江悠、塩田明彦、篠原哲雄、铃木卓尔、中野裕之、山下敦弘、堀江庆…
- Meat the Jones in this humorous yet terrifying tale of a prestigious family of black cannibals. For years the Jones' have enjoyed an endless supply of "cattle" by feeding on the homeless people from the streets of Akron, Ohio. The Jones's way of life is jeopardized by their daughter Kendal who is a newly conv…