搜索 Ark

  • Jack Taylor finds an itinerant, eleven year old girl running for her life, covered in blood she collapses in his arms. It transpires that the girl has witnessed a murder. The Irish Guards - prejudiced against the Travellers and their rivaling clans - only investigate half-heartedly. Jack who is as erratic as a Travelle…
  • Mavka-abeautifulforestnymphandsouloftheForest-facesanimpossiblechoicebetweenloveandherdutyasguardiantotheHeartoftheForest,whenshefallsinlovewithahuman-thetalentedyoungmusicianLukash.Ourstoryisaboutthemagicalpoweroflove.Thatkindoflovethatenableshumannaturetofindthemagicwithinandrevealsabilitiesandqualitiesthatempowerape…
  • 电影家庭
    荣与辱共蒂,生与死同根。儿子恩灿因救同学基铉而溺毙,父母消沉于丧子之痛。眼见基铉被一群少年欺凌, 经营装修生意的父亲决意收他为徒,教他自力更生,母亲对他亦由抗拒变为接纳。基铉仿佛替代了儿子角色, 三人如家人般越靠越近。恩灿死亡的真相突然曝光,荣耀反变为屈辱,愤怒淹没了同情,令父母陷入良知挣扎的深渊。申东锡以第三者冷峻视角…
  • 成长于资讯不及现时流通的五零年代的英国, Chris Winters 从小深感自己与传统性别角色格格不入。 经历了一段痛苦的童年后,Chris 终邂逅梦中情人 Julie。但当二人开始过着简单而甜蜜的生活之际,一场意外令她俩坠入人生低谷。自责的 Chris 不断想像:如果自己被生在另一个躯体中,事情有可能会变得不一样吗?
  • 关于1967年六日战争中的四个小故事
  • It's Jackpot Sunday, and the countdown is on as California is due to pay out the biggest jackpot in U.S. history: one billion dollars. Clarence Sr. and his family are home for a BBQ and the big announcement. Clarence is sure he's tonight's winner, just like every Sunday for the past 10 years. The telecast is interrupte…
  • In this one-hour documentary for BBC Two, historian David Starkey reveals how the Protestant Reformation unleashed fundamentalist beliefs, terror and holy war across Europe in a way that is all too familiar to us today. "There was the same literalism," he says, "the same passionate intensity, the same ap…
  • When Dorothy Stringer High School announces it is to close, all hope seems lost. That is until one of the students finds a flyer on the street offering a reward to anyone who can spend two nights in Darkwood Manor. But when the intrepid group of volunteers and their form tutor arrive at the manor it quickly becomes cle…