搜索 Aslim

  • 在预测到会有地震发生后,岛上的居民被建议离开该地。肆意猖獗的传染病、越来越弱的人类、病死的马,在森林里,一群女孩用唱歌来试图拯救世界……巧妙的情节安排、导演独特的隐喻能激发观众无限的想象力,自然和人类共处的世界二者融合为一。
  • Death of Yazdgerd, is a poetic and political work exploring the cruel and tragic dynamics of a class-based society. War is raging. King Yazdgerd's body is discovered in a run-down mill in the Iranian desert. Charged with murder, the miller, his wife and his sickly daughter must tell their story to the commanders to esc…
  • 两伊战争中,失去家园和亲人的小男孩芭舒爬上一辆卡车离开家乡,来到了人生地不熟而且语言不通的伊朗北部。在那里,他遇到了一位在农场抚养两个孩子的妇女奈依,尽管文化不同语言不通,但二人慢慢地开始相互依赖了...
  • Tara, the young beautiful widow, returns with her two little kids from country to her village. In her way home, she finds out that her grandfather has passed away. She distributes grandpa's belongings among her neighbours. But there remains an old sword that no one accepts it. One day on the road, she meets an old-time…
  • 《现场追击》是一部动作喜剧电影,讲述的是拥有自己真人秀节目的名人警察特加尔·萨普特拉(乔·塔斯利姆饰)的故事。特加尔被派去逮捕刚越狱的毒枭科基(雅彦·鲁伊安饰)。不幸的是,在这次任务中,身为个人主义者的特加尔必须与狡诈的工匠利奥(钱德拉·廖饰)搭档。习惯了独自行动的特加尔,现在不得不尝试与利奥一起完成任务,这让任务变得更…
  • Shahab who is about to get marry with his fiance is in desperate need for money. For bringing money he with the help of his friend participates in a bargain but loses all his money. Under all the pressures from his family and his fiance Shahab is force to go to the beyond.
  • 就在维斯比全城人民都在准备中世纪庆典之际,七十岁的老太太弗里达丧身火海。几起类似的命案发生后,玛利亚·韦恩和她的同事顺着罪犯留下的蛛丝马迹找到了一个气氛怪异的小镇,小镇上的每一个人都认识彼此。几份拉丁文件和难以理解的素描画又让警方开始怀疑中世界庆典仪式。庆典日益临近,玛利亚却发现老太太并没有死,而是藏起来了。当人们都聚…