搜索 Axelrod

  • Fantasy and reality ultimately collide for a man haunted by his younger sister's death. Although Jack Penniman's sister Lucy died in a boating mishap more than a decade ago, the event continues to consume him as an adult. While helping New York City police search for another little girl, Jack soon begins to see a young…
  • Star-ving is a web series of episodes running eight to ten minutes, based very loosely on the life of David Faustino from Married with Children. His co-star is Corin Nemec, who played the title character in Parker Lewis Can't Lose.
  • 电影生活
    泰瑞(Nina Axelrod 饰)本来正和男友骑着摩托车驰骋在公路上,两人好不快活。可一场意外的发生不仅让男友不幸身亡,泰瑞自己也身受重伤。幸运的是,泰瑞遇见了善良的农夫文森特(罗里·卡尔亨 Rory Calhoun 饰),他不仅救下了泰瑞,安葬了她的男友,还允许泰瑞在自己的家里休养。文森特和妹妹艾达(Nancy Parsons 饰)过着相依为命的生…
  • 动作女英雄Mimi Lesseos饰演一名武术专家,她成为了一名导游,她被绝望的凶手深深吸引到荒野中。她冷酷无情的猎手们会不惜一切代价,来索取一盘描绘他们滔天罪行的犯罪录像带。每一次试图恢复磁带的尝试都被无畏的武术家挫败,导致了一场可怕的、充满行动的对抗。
  • 电影
  • 为了控制第二波新冠疫情,缅甸最大城市仰光开始限制城区交通往来及市民出入。来自缅甸掸邦的拍摄者南梅·金森(Nang Mhwe Ngin Seng),将镜头对准了自己与朋友们(三个住在同一屋檐下的来自掸邦的女孩子)在仰光封锁期间的生活。她们的生活都多多少少受到这次疫情的影响,而拍摄者在这次对自我的影像剖析中重新审视了自己和母亲作为掸邦的两代…
  • As every day of Donald Trump's presidential campaign seemingly generates new headlines, this two-hour special examines the increasingly polarizing candidate's past. Included is rarely seen footage from Trump's interviews with Phil Donahue and his comments about politics from the floor of the 1988 Republican convention.…