- The film recreates the arrival of a group of Jewish immigrants fleeing persecution in Czarist Russia, establishing the first Hebrew colonies in the province of Entre Rios, Argentina.
- Armando Bo和老搭挡Isabel Sarli拍的,一般般,不过看70年代阿国情色cult片也就指望伊萨贝的了。http://img109.imagevenue.com/loc1103/th_41086_viuda01_122_1103lo.jpghttp://img211.imagevenue.com/loc28/th_41099_viuda02_122_28lo.jpg
- During Mexican Revolution, Rosalio Mendoza (Del Diestro) survives by making and winning favors from both factions, the governmental forces and Zapata's Army. His hacienda welcomes everybody, and Mendoza is considered a good friend of his guests. Eventually, the situation becomes unsustainable and he has to take sides. …