搜索 Bassem

  • Noubi, an avowed communist from a wealthy family, sets out to find his half-brother Gamal after Gamal inherits his father's fortune. In the process, Noubi is supposed to kill his stepmother Raifa, a supposed drug dealer, before she can kill Gamal.- Written by L. McClane
  • Unfolds the poignant story of three women and their search for justice from the daily plight of sexual harassment in Egypt.
  • Saw this film a couple of nights ago and I thought it was brilliant. The on-screen relationship between the 2 actors felt very real and the result is a sensitive and emotional film. The subject matter dealt with is highly relevant to the current middle east situation, so I urge everyone to see this film. I believe smal…
  • 电影《亚库比恩公寓》(Omaret Yacoubian,英文片名“The Yacoubian Building”),不仅有埃及最知名的男女电影明星出演,是埃及电影史上制作成本最高的影片,也因为影片中包含的同性恋者主要角色等诸多打破埃及的社会和文化禁忌的因素而被称为是埃及电影的一个破冰之作。电影《亚库比恩公寓》是根据阿拉伯语同名畅销小说(作者Alaa Al …
  • 穆罕默德是一个武装部队的成员,在埃及政府军对民主革命的镇压中,他站在了政府的一边。2011年2月2日,在塔希尔广场上,他们袭击了反对的人群。因为这件事,穆罕默德丢掉了自己的工作,遭受了非人的待遇,而且他的家庭也被所在社区驱逐。这一家人只好搬到了金字塔附近居住。就在全家人都非常绝望的时候,穆罕默德遇见了一个叫做瑞姆的年轻人。瑞…
  • On the cusp of adulthood, the world's longest running short film series is only getting started. Celebrate 20 years of 'Boys on Film' with the finest of gay short cinema. Bursting onto the scene, wide-eyed and keen, your first time with the boys was Hard Love. For a second you were In Too Deep - you dallied with the Am…
  • In the midst of the Egyptian Arab Spring, Bassem Youssef makes a decision that’s every mother’s worst nightmare… He leaves his job as a heart surgeon to become a full-time comedian.Dubbed, “The Egyptian Jon Stewart,” Bassem creates the sa…
  • 巴萨姆·优素福秀
    Al-Bernameg是埃及医生兼喜剧演员Bassem Youssef创制的新闻讽刺类节目。该节目自2011年开播,至2014年停播,共三季。
  • 地心游记
    故事发生在1863年的法国,博学多识的西奥多布洛克教授(特里特·威廉斯 Treat Williams 饰)于偶然之中在古书里发现了一张神秘的羊皮卷,羊皮卷上记载了古人曾经游历地心的传奇旅程。激动的西奥多教授决定重走这一路线,但苦于囊中羞涩,此时,神秘的贵妇黑斯廷(Tushka Bergen 饰)现身,给予了西奥多教授充足的旅费。就这样,西奥多教授带着侄…