- Un maremoto che ha sconvolto l'Artico riporta alla luce, ibernato in un blocco di ghiaccio, un esemplare di Yeti, l'abominevole uomo delle nevi. L'industriale canadese Morgan Hunnicut, che vorrebbe servirsene per far pubblicità alle sue imprese, affida all'amico paleontologo Harry Wassermann il compito di rianimare il …
- A movie which shows the dismal social plague of the Mafia: a man imprisoned who comes back to his city and discovers that death of his wife was not an accident, an inquiry which goes on to catch "big fishes", honour questions to solve... Very good starting, good pictures, good dialogues too; nevertheless I do…
- This is the story of a toad named Baz, who has suddenly, for no good reason which is apparent, disappears. As Baz is gone, the story of the theories put forth to his possible plight is told by his friend Daz, whose "mates call him Dazza" and who tells the story as he thinks it went. Daz tells the audience tha…