搜索 Baz

  • Three novels deal with the mentality of the children, their agitations, and the merry and sad things in their everyday life. The movie is created with a lot of humor, cheerfulness, and great love for the kids.
  • Summer 1969 on the Mediterranean coast. Paul and Vincent are childhood buddies. On a beach one day, they meet Alice and her friend Eve. After a series of memorable adventures, couples fall into place but not quite in the right order. Alice blossoms elsewhere, Paul marries Eve and Vincent weds Marie. The 70s are in full…
  • 22 November 1986 (Season 12, Episode 5)
  • 来自黎巴嫩南部的泽尔娜与杜拜商人结婚后定居杜拜,生了一个儿子。由于丈夫在香港有外遇,夫妻之间争吵不断,两人决定离婚。泽尔娜把儿子卡里姆送回黎巴嫩南部她的家乡,交给她的妹妹照顾。不料几天之后,在黎巴嫩南部爆发战争,泽尔娜非常担忧,她立刻经由土耳其进入黎巴嫩。但由于各地封锁,她在停火当天才抵达贝鲁特港。满面愁容的泽尔娜在那…
  • 拉吉·高伊尔是位十分公正的成功律师。他对工作的投入让他几乎没时间陷入爱情。但是在他遇到沙嘉木的时候一切都改变了。沙嘉木是一位美丽受欢迎的歌手。通过沙嘉木,拉吉·高伊尔认识了沙嘉木的旧友极具天赋的音乐家塔隆·波洛瓦吉。塔隆·波洛瓦吉此时被人陷害为一桩谋杀案的嫌疑犯,沙嘉木相信自己朋友的清白并要求拉为他辩护。拉吉·高伊尔与…
  • 巴拉特普尔的居民把塔库尔当作法庭,指定他们以法官的形式代表每个人作出决定,然后不论对错都被每个人接受。在为被控强奸的侄子Jagannath判刑时;迦拉吉·塔库尔被他的妹夫开枪打死。他在垂死的状态下监禁了他的姐夫,他的妹妹玛诺拉玛和贾甘纳特,并将他们驱逐出村子几年。Dharamraj化名Dada Thakur接替他父亲的职位,继续为村民伸张正义进行调…