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  • 13岁的Karla和Jonas是好朋友。Jonas是一名被领养的男孩,Karla为此很同情他。受一个电视节目启发,Karla决定帮助她的好友,陪他踏上了一条充满刺激和危险的大城市寻亲之路。
  • 电影
    At the U.S. Secret Operations Center a small group of doctors led by Kim Delaney are experimenting with a metallic skin on a frozen cadaver. This particular body is that of a secret agent that succumbed twenty years earlier to self injection of a blood sample from a...werewolf. Barry Bostwick plays the evil Colonel har…
  • 著名童话绘本作家雅诺什的小熊与小虎系列之一,原著创作于80年代,2006年德国重新制作发行,此套动画片采用雅诺什原著故事,但视觉上与雅诺什创造的角色形象稍有不同。啊!美丽的巴拿马讲述的是小熊与小虎两个好朋友一起出外探险,寻找巴拿马的故事
  • 电影
  • 电影爱情
  • Documentary filmmaker Rodney Ascher tackles this question "are we living in a simulation?" with testimony, philosophical evidence and scientific explanation in his for the answer.
  • 电影
    刚在元旦度过91岁生日的弗雷德里克· 怀斯曼(Frederick Wiseman)在长达275分钟的新作中,为我们呈现了一幅以波士顿市政厅为起点的美国画卷——关于市长、政府运作、民主的细节与困境。这部被法国《电影手册》列为“2020年度十佳影片”之首的纪录片,拍摄于2018年秋和2019年冬,如同一颗时间胶囊,更像是部政治预言。
  • Mena lives alone with her daughter Clara. Today is Clara’s seventh birthday. Despite her limited financial resources, Mena still manages to organise a birthday party. But after a phone call from her mother, she becomes distraught and anxio…
  • Peter is the dark brooding type. Leading a vacuous, shapeless life, he longs for the ideal woman, while at the same time, half heartedly continuing with his habitual girlfriend, Marusa , who is consid...( read more )erably older, a fact that Peter is quick to point out. As an ageing actress, struggling for parts in her…