搜索 Colle

  • 电影动作
    黑手党的首领Parmie ﹝文森多诺夫饰﹞想“名留青史” ,因此不断登上媒体版面,声称他要保护史坦顿岛上的森林。\r\n  经营熟食店的杰士伯又聋又哑,除了自己的生意外,长年以来也时常被黑帮胁迫处理尸体。\r\n  杰士伯的朋友苏利﹝伊桑·霍克饰﹞一个即将做父亲的环卫工人,一直对自己的智商感到自卑,为了要给女友更好的生活,也为了参加胚…
  • The Hotel Splendide is on a remote and cold island, accessible only by a once-a-month ferry. It's a dark and dreary spa created by the late Dame Blanche, whose grown children now run the hotel according to her specificiations, serving up ghastly seaweed and fish-based food and enema treatments. Kath, once the sous chef…
  • 级别:UnratedA hippy, trippy LSD film from the Summer of Love that follows Alice, an innocent college girl, on her downward spiral into the erotic world of sex and drugs. Alice is led astray by the "joints of pot" her lusty friend …
  • 希区柯克一生导演监制了59部电影,300多部电视系列剧,绝大多数以人的紧张、焦虑、窥探、恐惧等为叙事主题,设置悬念,故事情节惊险曲折,引人入胜,令人拍案叫绝。虽然他的影片并不全都是恐怖电影,其中也没有我们现在所崇尚的各种特技和特效,但是他的影片极具悬念,发人深思。本片是希区柯克亲自挑选的四部悬念短片《毒药》,《完美的犯罪》…
  • Raoul is a 20 years old student in Paris. Girls are not interested in him, though he is good-looking. He wonders why. Raoul does not look for a great passion, he only wants to be kissed. We will follow his love tribulations.
  • 电影
  • 一个多世纪以来,雷·哈利豪森以他惊险的动作效果和动画为全世界无数电影制片人和影迷带来了无数的灵感和乐趣。本片是他的早期作品集。