- This is a parody of the '50s science fiction films which themselves were warnings of the unseen Communist spies in the midst of normal, healthy Americans. The film was made by over-dubbing the original film of the 1953 sci-fi turkey "Killers from Space" and adding some new scenes to it, to make something comp…
- When ex-con and hard-as-nails Jake Green finally gets a chance to see his daughter after six months, he takes her out for a quick bite only to wind up in the middle of an armored car heist. The violent incident leaves a lasting impression on his daughter and influences her choice to pursue a dangerous and lucrative car…
- Judith Wheater年纪轻轻便担任起了一家之主的重任——她如今的父母因为先前多次离婚各有不少孩子,如今他们一家一共有7个孩子,包括年芳17的Judith。七个孩子尽管父母各异,但如今的关系宛如一奶同胞,甚是亲密。可惜好景不长,如今Wheater夫妇又在闹离婚,七个孩子虽不愿分离却也毫无办法一次偶然的机会,Judith遇到了父亲的大学同学Mar…