搜索 Elvi

  • 故事发生在罗马尼亚同匈牙利边境上的小镇Salonta,很多非法移民都希望通过这里进入匈牙利然后是更远的西欧。四十来岁的Nelu是当地一家超市里的保安,他的日子是固定的,早起钓一会儿鱼,然后是工作,晚上回到妻子Florica身边。他俩居住在城外人烟稀少的地方。一天早晨,Nelu从河里“钓”到并不是鱼,而是一名试图越境的土耳其男子。尽管语言不通…
  • One of my most favorite latino movies! The Pacific War (1879-1883) put the Chileans against the allied of Peru and Bolivia. Nowadays, this subject still divides our countries. "Caliche Sangriento" shows us the adventure of a group of Chilean soldiers lost in the Atacama's desert. During this journey, the Capt…
  • 哈娜是一名12岁的小女孩,摩洛哥人,和她的父母哈米德、法迪哈和弟弟努尔生活在西班牙。哈娜想成为作家,她最大的愿望就是拥有一台电脑。小女孩将她所有的希望都寄托在了学校的一个比赛上,比赛的头等奖就是一台电脑,但是哈娜屈居第二,她感到无比失望。塞尔赫,处于极度缺乏创造力的作家,也是哈娜的老师,他试图鼓励哈娜,他对于哈娜真诚而美…
  • Narrated [not only] with puppets, a dramatic vision of Latin America throughout the 20th century with its constant ferment of dictatorships, hunger, corruption, civil wars, heroic episodes and spilled blood.
  • Agent John Keller goes undercover into the tough prison known as Fuego Penal to find out about the corpses of prisoners disappearing without a trace. There he gets involved in a dangerous tournament arranged by a man named Justin Caesar, where the prisoners are forced fight to death.
  • Somewhere in Reno, Nevada, handsome low-life Ricky Hershey lies in bed puffing a joint. His reverie is interrupted by a gang of mask-wearing thugs who burst in. They warn him off his affair with Sylvia Whimper. Sylvia, you see, is engaged to Sebastian Stempel-Garamond, a rising executive. Her rich bully-boy father, Har…