- SinandIllyhaveaplan:onaGreekislandtheywanttoget'clean'ontheirown.Buttheintentionofthetwogirlsfailsalreadyonthewaytotheairport.FinallySinrealizesshehastogothewayoutofheroinaddictionallalone.
- The life of Paula, Louise, Max, Randolf and Donnie get out of line. Love and career prospects open up. But it comes different then it should be and the end could equally be the beginning...
- Razzmatazz tells the story of three siblings who meet up for the first time after 20 years to mark the anniversary of their parents' murder-suicide and when a ruthless reporter tries to blackmail them, things turn bloody fairly quickly.
- Out of the blue Anna, an actress at a provincial community theater, gets fired. Fresh off the stage, she suddenly finds herself at the local job center. On the urging of her theater-mad case worker, she takes on an acting course for seven “hard-to-place clients“ — as a compulsory training measure. Overcoming huge resis…