搜索 Frohriep

  • It is 1740 and the English and French colonial forces are waging war against each other in their struggle to take control of North America. Both powers take advantage of existing tribal rivalries and enlist local tribes, the Delawares and Hurons, on either side of their conflict. Chingachgook, the last of the Mohicans,…
  • "Two neighbors--Paula, a single woman with two children, and Paul, a conservative bureaucrat stuck in a loveless marriage--begin to fall in love. The free-spirited Paula tries to liberate Paul from his complacent life, but it's not until tragedy and heartaches beset them both that he begins to fully appreciate her…
  • 电影战争
    即使两个德意志国家的合作存在并肩,为近40年来,文化交流是却到了最低的时期。唯一的是,西德国人应该学习的邻居,如何认真东部德国电影处理棘手的问题的大屠杀。星)是其中最感人的电影,我从未见过。悲惨的爱情故事发生在一个犹太人学校教师和一名德国士兵之间。幸福是没有界限的。电影结束与破灭理想的犹太女孩鲁斯( sascha kruschar…