搜索 Hülk

  • When Percy Jackson receives an urgent distress call, he immediately prepares for battle. This third adventure in the series finds Percy faced with his most dangerous challenge yet: The chilling prophecy of The Titan's Curse.
  • 1.傻帽守门员第一版本为土耳其68年彩色版:http://movie.douban.com/subject/5149909/2.该片为68年版本的阿语配音版3.该片导演又将此片隔了两三年再翻拍了一次,翻拍成黑白片:http://movie.douban.com/subject/26348038/一部烂片拍了好几个版本,还搞了好几个配音版,疯了,阿拉伯人真爱折腾
  • Four friends Raj Malhotra, Boney, Neelam Chaudhary and Sheetal decide to play a practical joke on Sheetal's dad Kailash Nath. They telephone Kailash and tell him that his daughter has been kidnapped and demand a ransom of Rs. 200,000. Things seem to go according to plan until the police headed by Raj's elder brother Su…
  • Rip is the World Wrestling Federation champion who is faithful to his fans and the network he wrestles for. Brell, the new head of the World Television Network, wants Rip to wrestle for his network. Rip refuses and goes back to his normal life. Still looking for a way to raise ratings, Brell initiates a show called &qu…
  • 短片The ABCs of death competition參與26種死法短片競賽,關於死神的故事
  • SNL Presents: Sports All-Stars, airing on NBC from 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm ET.The special will be hosted by Jason Sudeikis and Will Forte in character as "ESPN Classic Commentators" Pete Twinkle and Greg Stink. Also featured on the show will be highlights of SNL appearances by athletes including Peyton Manning, De…
  • 秃顶、金色胡须、古铜色的肌肉以及永不退减的狂热激情,这些都是传奇选手哈克•霍根(Huik Hogan)的经典招牌。这个已经在擂台上打拼了30多年的家伙,曾经经历了摔角行业最辉煌的年代。他曾在WM III上举起体形庞大的安德烈巨人(André the Giant),也曾在WM VI上和终极战士进行了艰苦的鏖战;更和新生代王者“巨石”强森(The Rock)…
  • 夜,大雨如注。警察在湖心的一条小船上找到索拉蚩时,索拉蚩已经烂醉如泥。像这种借酒消愁的日子,索拉蚩不知道过了多久。自从爱妻的肖像被自己亲手交给占拉德父子后,爱妻就在孟买飞往新德里的一次航班中因空难而丧生。爱妻的死,与占拉德父子有关,但索拉蚩不能饶恕自己,尽管这种选择是为了营救一个叫雅莎的无辜姑娘。索拉蚩被带到警察局。为…
  • 生活在一个幸福家庭的母亲和幼子在一次车祸中丧生,父亲和年长的儿子Jonas在这次事故中幸存下来. 现在他们不得不一起继续面对未来的生活...这是一部瑞典本土的伦理亲情电影,北欧那清新的空气,空旷美丽的自然风景下印趁着人物,悠扬悦耳的歌声下人物的生活...◎ 获奖情况:该片荣获2007年瑞典最高的国家电影奖项Guldbagge Awards的观…