搜索 Hamill

  • When a group of Americans travel to Russian Siberia to honor the memory of their murdered friend, they uncover a plot that threatens all their lives.
  • A journalist moves to a remote frontier of earth where she finds a a society that is governed by a dictator..
  • Leslee Williams is a photojournalist who, despite international recognition and personal beauty, finds romance less than successful. Her hilarious friend, Ray, encourages her as best he can. A chance meeting with Jonathan Powell, a long-lost high school acquaintance, brings love unpredictably into her life. Everything …
  • A host of real-life celebrities - including Hugh Hefner, Stan Lee, and Kevin Smith - journey into the world of comic book fandom! Documentary filmmaker Donald Swan heads to the world's largest comic book convention where he encounters a culture of craziness that he's totally unprepared for!
  • “No Blade of Grass” 改編自 John Christopher 的小說 “the Death of Grass”, 可說是近年大行其道的生態危機電影的前輩~ 故事講述地球污染問題日益嚴重, 一種病毒忽然出現, 令所有禾本科植物 (包括所有農作物) 枯死, 科學家們束手無策, 世界各國相繼陷入飢荒和無政府狀態~ 英國前軍人 John Custance (Nigel Dav…
  • 在一个未知世界里,有一个神气的森林村落。梦想到外面世界探险的约翰华从村子里逃了出来,一个机器怪兽尼梅克就在此时袭击了村落,约翰华成了村子里唯一的幸存者。一个偶然的机会他加入了宇宙奇兵不对,不对的使命就是消灭邪恶的尼梅克。约翰华和奇兵部队一起经历了生于死的挑战,这些战士们能否战胜尼梅克?究竟谁是这一切的幕后主使呢……
  • 根据同名日本漫画改编的电影,讲诉神秘组织“克诺斯”利用远古时代外太空生命遗留下来的“遗迹”,研制出将人类兽化的系统,制造出无数受控于十位克诺斯首领“兽神将”的兽化兵,并将它们安排在世界各地,准备在适当时机控制地球。
  • 电影恐怖
  • 父亲远在澳大利亚工作,安吉拉下定决心要实现她发自内心的愿望:让家人在圣诞节团聚。