- 第一部神盾局电影,故事基于漫画,西崔克尔男爵挂了之后,其女儿蛇神夫人卷土重来,偷了某种大规模杀伤性武器威胁全城,于是神盾局请出已经退休的尼克·弗瑞重新出马,阻止危机什么的,都是很老套的东西。Marvel's hard-boiled hero is brought to TV. He is brought back to fight the menace of Hydra after…
- The Art of the Piano is a feature-length, 106-minute documentary that presents in refreshingly straightforward fashion a portrait of 20th-century piano playing. The format is simple: short segments on virtually all of the great pianists who have ever been captured on film, augmented by extracts from interviews, sometim…
- This movie exceeded the box of 9 million viewers. Absolute record in public. Even the specialized criticism, which has never been tolerant with the popular cinema, made the "bonequinho" applauded the film.A spectacular and incredible comedy located in Vila Velha, neighborhood beach near Victoria. Roberto (Car…