- After landing a Rs.80 Crore deal with businessman Kapadia, Joseph Rodriquez, decides to sell his Kasargaon mansion and enlists the services of real estate agent, Devyani Mitra. While traveling there, he comes to her assistance, and drives her to his mansion. Once there, after settling down for the night, she claims tha…
- The movie narrates the story of a big immigrant community in Detroit and Michigan and the Tamil street gangs in the locale.
- Four teenage schoolgirls - Bee, Tum, Nui and Tim - have been friends for a long time, and have sworn to be true to one another forever. Their relationship is as colorful and lively as they are, and they feel nothing can tear them apart. This proves to be not so permanent when one day, Tum meets a teenage boy called Dae…
- zhagappan (Mammootty) a successful hotelier and father of four small children has lost his wife (whose face is not shown in the photo) in an accident. College student Swapna (Madhoo) play pranks on him and also falls in love with him but Azhagappan refuses her love considering the age difference between him. Though ill…