搜索 James

  • James Gibson is an ex-con who has spent his life in and out of prison. One day, his life turns around when he settles down, meets the love of his life and has a child with her, but an unforeseeable tragedy strikes and his life is never the same.
  • How long is your list of lovers, and what have they taught you about life? Facing a life changing event Josh Bronstein creates his list of all of his lovers. From X-Wives to current girlfriends this vivid story follows his wacky relationships. Nothing is off limits as Josh uses the list to explore his greatest losses a…
  • The moving story of a woman with an untreatable heart condition whose life is transformed by a service dog, and what happens when she has to let go of the loyal companion who changed her life.
  • "Day of the Gusano” documents not only a historic performance from one of the most exciting live bands on the planet, but delves deeply into the lives of the band’s fans as well. This highly anticipated show gives a window into the ch…
  • Jack and Darragh are hired by the head of a large software company to find out who has stolen valuable games data from the company. Jack takes an liking to the main suspect, but when she is killed, Jack suspects his employer and vows to bring him down.
  • 内战期间,摩根上校的要塞和附近的强上校的要塞虽然属于不同阵营但彼此相安无事,直到有一天印第安武装袭击了一列货运列车,并在现场遗留下一把邦联武器……
  • Nine no-budget horror/comedy shorts that explore themes of murder, death, revenge, self-mutilation, stalking, clones, hell, and weird squid babies.
  • 来自菲律宾的同志佳作,纯情少男,遇上帅哥兄弟,校园内外,慾望被觉醒,但意想不到的真相,却在不远处快将被揭破。口碑甚佳的一部亚洲作品,恋上第一个真正的朋友,纯真会否从此消逝?高材生 Felix 终日埋首学业,希望藉此脱贫,他没有朋友,有时会寂寞。一天,学校来了一位新同学 Magnus,他跟弟弟 Maxim 二人都跟 Felix 成为了好朋友,F…
  • 商人伊勒和妻子生了一对非常可爱的双胞胎,之后,他们又从一户贫穷人家里领养了两个孩子,将四个孩子放在一起抚养。在一场海难中,伊勒的妻子和两个孩子在风浪之中失去了踪迹,伊勒想尽了一切方法都没能够打听到他们的下落,无奈之下,伊勒只得忍住悲伤,带着另外两个年长的孩子继续生活下去。一晃眼很多年过去,两个孩子渐渐的长大了,他们决定…