搜索 Janzen

  • A police investigator picks up the trail of a strangler who stores his victims in a meat freezer.
  • Movie about the real-life gangster Klaas Bruinsma (Peter Paul Muller), a charming, good looking, well-dressed man - called "De Dominee" (the Reveren) for always wearing long, black coats - who was at one point the biggest drug trader in the world and until this day the biggest crime boss of Holland ever.
  • 本片讲述的是Klaasje和dennis离婚了,因为dennis与一个老师婚外恋。Dennis想和她复合,但是她已经与一个年轻人坠入爱河了,dennis后悔也来不及。 同时 ,Klaasje最好的朋友Simone是她家庭的核心人物,她的丈夫Ted 常觉得自己是多余的,但又没有勇气告诉Simone, 他在外面胡搞瞎搞。泳池服务生Victor,期待着与他此生的最爱Kees结婚。但…
  • After being conned into buying a shady '65 Chrysler, Mike's first date plans with girl-next-door Kelsey implode as he finds himself targeted by criminals, cops, and a crazy cat lady.
  • The movie opens with a young couple parked in a bleak, rural locale pondering their future, A giant gila monster attacks the car, sending the young couple running for their lives. Chase Winstead , a young mechanic and hot rod racer and his girl Lisa (Madeline Voges), meets up with Chase's former nemesis, Waco Bob (Jess…
  • 原定于2020年5月12-16号举办的欧洲歌唱大赛因疫情关系遗憾取消,在5月16日决赛日当晚,EBU和荷兰国家电视台共同推出特别节目,名字取于1997年的夺冠歌曲 Love Shine a Light。同时在这档节目中,官方宣布2021年的欧洲歌唱大赛仍计划 在鹿特丹举办。
  • 约翰(Jesse Rosen 饰)自认为风流倜傥一表人才,并且是个不折不扣的异性恋。在经历了一段失败的恋情之后,他从纽约搬到了洛杉矶,希望能够在这里散散心,重新开始新的生活。在洛杉矶,约翰遇见了好友安迪(Jared Thompson 饰),在安迪的带领下,约翰见识到了大都市男女之间混乱而复杂的关系,他陷入了深深的迷惑之中。保罗(Johnny R…