- フリーライターの尚子(片平なぎさ)とカメラマン・克也(船越栄一郎)は、取材で四国・丸亀へ。着いた夜、2人の入ったうどん屋の主人・岡村が路地で殺される。居合わせた2人は「レオの・・・ネコ」のダイイングメッセージを聞く。警察の調べで、事件の前日に岡村を訪ねてきた元旅役者の錦四郎(菅原文太)に容疑がかかるが・・・。
- Brooklyn based cartoonist Colin Jenson has just broken up with his longtime girlfriend, Kay Ho. Colin takes us on a hilarious journey through his memories to uncover what went wrong over their three-year relationship and who was to blame. Ultimately it's up to Colin to erase the mistakes of his past and draw upon lesso…