- This suspense-thriller combines groundbreaking cinematography and thought-provoking music, to tell the story of two men whose lives are turned upside down by the mysterious contents of a safe. When Carter relocates to a quaint Pennsylvania town to care for his ailing mother things go surprisingly well. Almost immediate…
- based on an original screenplay, THESE HOPELESS SAVAGES stars Matt Dellapina ('Safe', 'The Quitter') alongside Sean Christopher Lewis ('God's Country'), MacKenzie Meehan ('The Wolf Of Wall Street') and newcomer Maria Vorhis in this bromantic comedy/drama co-directed by Sean Christopher Lewis and Kaitlyn Busbee ('Molly'…
- 12 year olds, Tomika and Edith set out in the bush to play the Boyfriend Game, only to struggle when the lines between real and pretend become blurred
- Part of Mary Solis's soul has been ripped from her body?and she is dying to get it back. After vanishing from her family's lake house, the 15-year-old returns without any memory of the traumatic events she experienced. While a nefarious mystery surrounds the circumstances of her disappearance, the Solis family begins t…
- 2010年、日本製作のオリジナルビデオ。東大を卒業したがプロ雀士の道を歩む須田良規本人をモデルにしたコラムを完全コミック化した作品が原作のギャンブル・ドラマ。監督は、小沼雄一。東大を卒業し、雑務と接客をこなしながら自腹で麻雀を打つ雀荘従業員(メンバー)になった須田良規(岡部尚)。日本の最高学府を卒業したのだから、もう少し気…