搜索 Ki

  • 电影恐怖
    爱德华(理查•吉尔 饰)与妻子康妮(黛安•莱恩 饰)是令人艳羡的一对,他们有一个8岁的儿子。他们结婚已有11年,日子过得平平淡淡却十分美满幸福。可是生活的一成不变是康妮开始有些厌倦了。正在此时,她邂逅了神秘男子(奥利佛•马提纳兹 饰),更一发不可收拾的爱上了这名陌生人。面对丈夫,康妮不得不一而再再而三的向丈夫撒谎,不知不觉间…
  • 1944年德军撤离希腊,左翼武装ELAS与在雅典登陆的英军发生交火,最后ELAS同意放下武器接受政府军改编
  • In a small backwater town, a trio of sadistic killers terrorizes the community as they continue a cross-country murder spree that's lasted over a year. As the police frantically begin a manhunt to stop them, the slayers encounter a mortal terror far beyond anything they could imagine. A dreadful game of survival ensues…
  • Inspired by real events, "Waiting for Kiarostami "focuses on the life of a medical student (Dorsa) at Ningbo University in China who has to choose between her father's wish for her to become a doctor, and her own passion to become a singer and an actress while Abbas Kiarostami wants her for his latest film in…
  • 係香港電視娛樂製作嘅清談節目,Girls' Talk系列之一,2017年4月5號開始逢禮拜三23:15-23:30喺ViuTV播。節目會教日常忙住做嘢嘅女仔,點樣只係用10分鐘就為自己煮餐豐富好食嘅餸。節目會搵後生廚師教近年最受女性歡迎嘅菜式。
  • When gamer-gate girls go out for a night of fun to a horror escape room, the horror is all too real
  • Natasha is a TV host assigned to cover the mysterious happenings on Pulau Indah Kayangan. Together with her crew, Adam and Dino, they explore the island, which was solely inhabited by local tribes until a big company decides to develop it as a tourist attraction. Upon arrival at the island, they are met by a handsome b…