韩国JYP娱乐与Mnet电视台联手打造的新概念男团选秀节目将于10月17日首播。此次是JYP娱乐和Mnet电视台继2015年的《SIXTEEN》后,时隔两年再次联手打造选秀节目。全新选秀节目为发掘打造新人男团,将以“练习生 VS JYP”的新概念模式进行。此次节目并非淘汰制,而是以“全员出道”为共同目标,练习生们通过个人实力和团队配合获得最终出道机会
An evil creature attacks a small mining town. A college student and a cranky outcast must uncover the mystery ysgou.cc of the creature's past to put an end to the bloodshed.
Nick and his girlfriend must spend a night in their newly inherited abandoned building downtown, to disprove the stories of it being haunted to an interested buyer.Director: Roze