- Childhood memories play on the mind of the central character, Garry. Many years on, he returns to his native town. Everything feels alien and strange. Our hero comes back to recover his memories, the good ones and the bad ones, the pleasant ones and the painful ones. Will the old fortune-teller Nina, a well-known dream…
- 一个年轻的作曲家出发前往格鲁吉亚的几个城市旅行,非常希望能够采集各地的民谣。但是他的同伴却相信,他是受到一个革命组织派遣,为的是计划未来的行动。影片一开始便笼罩着一股不祥的预兆,像是暴风雨前的宁静。导演与摄影师微妙地在消极的安详和积极的罪行之间,营造出令人不安的张力。这种宁静的张力持续着,但是诡异的气氛却悄悄地扩散,爆…