搜索 Klara

  • 父亲带着自己12岁的儿子出差,在出差地成了地方悍匪因谈判破裂而火拼的目击证人。男孩住进了医院,只能在国外做手术才能挽救他的生命,而这个手术需要一大笔钱。父亲决定铤而走险——他同意帮土匪头子做三件事。
  • 54分钟。IMDB上有错。Sinopsis:Un joven huye de la polic韆 en una fren閠ica carrera por las calles de San Sebastian.
  • 电影
    15-year-old Räkan (‘Shrimp’) is sitting at home gaming when he is reluctantly dragged along to a party. Once there, he feels uncomfortable and it is clear that he doesn’t fit in. At last, he has had enough and does something drastic. Spot…
  • 鹿(CCCP,前苏联)在森林里奔走,蜘蛛、啄木鸟等动物(联盟里东欧的诸多小国)一个接一个纷纷要求借助它的鹿角前行,鹿欢喜地答应,带上它们继续朝前走,这些动物将它的鹿角当作了安乐窝。可是欢宴有时,在前行方向问题上,诸多动物与鹿慢慢有了矛盾,但并没闹到不可开交的地步,这时,森林外传来猎人的枪声(盟国的敌对势力),内忧外患之下,…
  • 许多亿年前,恐龙与其它动物和平友好地在地球上生活。像许多动物一样,它们延续物种的方式是雌雄结合生子,通常,母恐龙产下蛋宝宝后,会把它放在离太阳最近的山顶,太阳的热量能使这些恐龙蛋孵化出一个个小恐龙。后来,地球的环境越变越糟糕,气温逐渐降低,当恐龙蛋再被放到山顶时,太阳已经不再能给它们孵化出小恐龙的热量。再后来,恐龙这种…
  • Loss and loneliness linger on a thread that connects two ageing parents far away from each other through a fatal accident. A woman in Germany starts a journey to explore the life of an illegal immigrant and finds her loneliness, and an old man in Kosovo whom loss has brought him to the end of his journey.