搜索 Lavi

  • Men or Not Men (Italian: Uomini e no) is a 1980 Italian war-drama film directed by Valentino Orsini. It is based on the novel with the same name by Elio Vittorini.
  • A young woman becomes a nun when she believes her sweetheart has been killed, then things get complicated when he returns alive.   Lillian Gish is the daughter of a rich Italian count who is killed in a tuikan.cc fall from his horse. Thoug…
  • Saint Peter, a reluctant but passionate leader, from the crucifixion of Jesus to his own. The film's first half dramatizes the New Testament's "Acts": early fear, the renewal of Pentecost, Saul's conversion, the decision to baptize pagans, and the Apostles' dispersal. In the second half, an aged Peter goes to…
  • 本片改编自意大利漫画家Andrea Pazienza的漫画作品《Paz. Scritti, disegni, fumetti》。本片讲的是上世纪70年代间,一群住在意大利北部小城博洛尼亚的学生,他们3人合租一间屋子,他们在每一天里都过着日复一日相同的生活。在他们的生活中,不可避免的出现着大麻、校园生活、性爱以及政治等,围绕在这群学生的生活中。而观众能在这群学生的身上…
  • 埃德加拉马克,利欲熏心的会计专家,正在阿祖尔海岸出差,识破其中一个牺牲人的勾心斗角,他决定跟网上找到的尤物放松一晚:某个叫里塔的迷人儿,很快地,他的梦想之夜便变成了噩梦...
  • 在克罗地亚淳朴的小村庄中,人们饱受狼群侵袭的困扰。小男孩兰科的爱犬为了保护主人,勇敢地与狼拼搏,最终和狼同归于尽。而兰科无意中在森林里解救了一只高大威猛的猎犬,男孩和狗成了亲密无间的朋友,但它却不愿跟随男孩来到人类的村庄生活。村民反倒误以为这只威猛的猎犬是狼,对它展开了围攻……库斯图里卡御用男主在12岁时主演了这部处女作…
  • Fantasy comedy about Brazilian writer Oswald de Andrade, one of the most important icons of Modernism in Brazil. In the film, Oswald is played by two actors: Ítala Nandi, as his feminine anima, and Flávio Galvão, as the masculine half
  • A comic and episodic satire, the film uses improvisation to illustrate the clash between fantasy and reality in real life. Although conceived in the style of Mekas' "Hallelujah the hills" (1962), it's an authentically Israeli satire, an openly rebellious and individualistic expression that poked fun at the sa…
  • 战争前夕,德国研制出喷气战斗机. 苏联情报员-代号为“3月“是德国空军试飞部队的精英之一,他的主要任务是收集喷气战斗机-262的相关资料...德国纳粹为防止信息泄漏,对柏林附近一个专门试飞基地周边的通讯,进行了严密的监控,并小有收获.1943 年7月,“3月“身份暴露,为阻止战斗机me-262过早的投入使用,以生命为代价,驾机升空撞向正在试飞…