搜索 Leeuw

  • The Sea That Thinks is a surprising film about itself. A film overflowing with twists and turns and new angles. It focuses on Bart, a scriptwriter who is writing the script for this film. In the film, Bart himself plays the scriptwriter writing the script of The Sea That Thinks. He types what he does and does what he t…
  • Vic Morgenstein (formerly Vic Morgan) has been distributing gruesome Asian horror schlock and soft-core smut for years. His flagship video series, "Drunk Chicks" 1 through 6, consists entirely of inebriated young women exposing their breasts. These low rent titles have earned Vic a comfortable living, and a l…
  • 电影动作
  • STRAVINSKY-SCHÖNBERGFilm 1 : The Final Chorale tells the story of Igor Stravinsky’s “Symphonies of Wind for Instruments”, a piece he composed in 1920 in memory of Claude Debussy. Using for the first time a “montage” technique juxtaposing …
  • Directed by Alejandro Agresti Gábor Altorjay José Luis Guerín Clemens Klopfenstein Tato Kotetshvili William Mbaye Ousmane Eagle Pennell Dick Rijneke Mrinal Sen Béla Tarr Mildred Van Leeuwaarden Krzysztof Kieslowski (segment "Siedem d…
  • 内鬼第六季
    风靡欧洲各国的勾心斗角真人秀模版始祖。Game show in which a group of globe-trotting contestants builds up the winner's cash prize by solving puzzles and completing tasks. One of them is a saboteur. Each week, the person least close to figuring out wh…
  • 本片讲述的是Klaasje和dennis离婚了,因为dennis与一个老师婚外恋。Dennis想和她复合,但是她已经与一个年轻人坠入爱河了,dennis后悔也来不及。 同时 ,Klaasje最好的朋友Simone是她家庭的核心人物,她的丈夫Ted 常觉得自己是多余的,但又没有勇气告诉Simone, 他在外面胡搞瞎搞。泳池服务生Victor,期待着与他此生的最爱Kees结婚。但…
  • 生活在儿童之家的露,与突然到访的母亲共同踏上了前往波兰外祖母家的旅程,久未谋面的母女将如何度过这段时光?这是一部充满反叛精神的女性公路电影,由荷兰导演扎拉·德温格自编自导,她不仅在主题上解构了传统观念中的母女关系,还在主线故事中跳跃式地剪入大量经典黑白电影与卡通片段,营造出诙谐顽皮的游戏感。片中不少镜头场景致敬了观众耳…
  • 荷兰遭到孪生兄弟恐怖分子的威胁,笨拙的弗朗索瓦范维尔列特是唯一能拯救被恐怖分子威胁的这座城市的人,他的哥哥布鲁诺打算毁灭荷兰,而弗朗索瓦必须要拯救荷兰阻止恐怖袭击的发生,这次极度危险的任务中他得到了探员穆斯塔法和美女探员莉娜的协助,然而一切都很不顺利,恐怖分子的袭击一步步逼近,而反恐精英们也在拼尽全力誓要缉拿恐怖分子头…