搜索 Lloyd

  • 本片可以看做“菲律宾版《喜宴》”,Noel和Mark一对身处纽约的菲律宾情侣,两人平淡而幸福的生活却因为Mark母亲的一次拜访而扰乱,而且这次 “拜访”看似要长期居住让两人很苦恼,并非母亲不知儿子是同志而是不满意这位未曾见面的“儿媳”,Noel很想讨“岳母”的欢心却得到了百般刁难~在相处的过程中两人发现了只要真诚相待就会互相理解和宽容,…
  • 电影
    Sergeant Mark Quinn is a policeman who is known among his superiors as extremely persistent, unrestrained and merciless against criminals. The reason for this is to be found in his past. When he was a child he was the only one who has escaped a family massacre, and the murderers of his parents were never catched. In th…
  • 电影冒险
  • 《衣架》是一个关于复仇的可怕故事,故事开始于发生在穷街陋巷中的一次人工流产,结束于一场血腥屠杀,它是如此邪恶以至于给“以牙还牙”一词带来了新的含义。
  • 街头有新设立了一台ATM机,这台ATM机所进行的第一笔现钞交易就是提取一张崭新的二十美元纸币。这张纸币随后不断的易主,从街上的那个提款人辗转,经过才华横溢的作家、脱衣舞女、两个小偷等等,无数人的手里,最终被施舍到了一位无家可归的女人(Linda Hunt饰)的手中,此时,这张二十美元的纸币已经破败不堪了,银行的工作人员又为她换了一张崭…
  • A hardened bounty hunter, a gang of outlaws in his trust and a preacher are forced to work together and battle their way across the old west of the 1870s when the zombie apocalypse begins.
  • After the death of his wife, former civil servant Henri Rousseau takes up painting full time. Coming across as a rarified boob, Russell's version of Rousseau could best be described as an accidental master. Most of his canvases are crackpot versions of reality as seen through the eyes of a naïve painter, and his loneli…