搜索 Maves

  • This digital short was commissioned for the Bigger Picture project in conjunction with the BBC in Manchester, and shown on a public screen in the centre of the city. The fi lm explores the psycho-geography of the city through the experiences of a local woman who is partially blind. It was fi lmed in Manchester around t…
  • Date My Mom is a television dating show airing on the music channel MTV and produced by Shaniqua Productions. An 18-24-year-old male, or gay male/lesbian female, goes on 3 separate dates with 3 moms who try to convince them to pick their son or daughter to date. The dater only meets the mother and makes his or her deci…
  • 电影剧情
    继法拉利之后,又一位意大利汽车业大亨的生平故事将被搬上银幕,他就是费鲁齐欧·兰博基尼(Ferruccio Lamborghini)。这部影片暂名为《兰博基尼:传奇》(Lamborghini – The Legend),由前段时间刚刚去宣布将重拍诺兰《记忆碎片》(Memento)的AMBI集团制作。影片将涵盖兰博基尼的整个人生,包括他二战中当空军机械师的经历、制造拖拉机起家…