搜索 Riegert

  • Cosmo, an affectless mob bookie who lives in the basement of a retirement home, is promoted to hitman. He learns his new trade from Steve, a seasoned killer. He falls in love with a yoga teacher, Jasmine, and must figure out a way to leave the mob so they can be together.
  • Date My Mom is a television dating show airing on the music channel MTV and produced by Shaniqua Productions. An 18-24-year-old male, or gay male/lesbian female, goes on 3 separate dates with 3 moms who try to convince them to pick their son or daughter to date. The dater only meets the mother and makes his or her deci…
  • 故事发生在人头攒动的大都市纽约,在这里,生活着一位名叫伊莎贝尔(艾米·欧文 Amy Irving 饰)的姑娘,在这个物欲横流的城市里,伊莎贝尔的特质则显得尤为珍贵,她是书店的店员,整日博览群书,对知识的渴望永无止境。可是,正直善良的伊莎贝尔在她祖母的眼中俨然就是一位“问题少女”,因为已经到了成家年龄的她似乎并没有任何想要结婚的打算…
  • 电视剧游戏
    华纳(吉奥瓦尼·瑞比西 Giovanni Ribisi 饰)个性严谨循规蹈矩,甚至有些过于神经兮兮,守着亲爱的家人和宠物,他希望自己的生活能够永远一成不变风平浪静。艾力(赛斯·格林 Seth Green 饰)永远是一副醉醺醺的模样,永远搞不清楚状况又完全不在状态,就是这样两个性格南辕北辙的男人,他们竟然是相处了多年的死党,还共同创办了一家颇为成功…
  • 电影喜剧