- The movie follows the adventures of four lovable young idiots as they embark on a journey into the underworld to save their sexy landlord's house from foreclosure. In their quest to raise $50 000 in three days, they find themselves caught in the midst of a holy war where survival is their only hope.
- 丹麦人对他们国内的主流小报Ekstra Bladet(简称EB)颇有微词。这家小报一直以来因其脱离事实、不道德的报道和为吸引眼球哗众取宠而饱受诟病。他们追逐丑闻、窥探名人私生活并无所不用其极地夸张报道。本部影片深度追踪并刻画了这家报刊最为动荡不安的岁月,充斥着那段时间的是饱受争议但又左右舆论的报道,和对其社论立场的强烈抨击。