搜索 Mony

  • Santiago Ramón y Cajal, médico español, catedrático de Anatomía en Valencia y en Madrid, fue el principal investigador en el campo de la histología y fue merecedor por sus hallazgos, del premio de Moscú en 1900 y del Premio Nobel de Medi…
  • 艾伦(大卫·田纳特 David Tennant 饰)和崔西卡(莎拉·帕里什 Sarah Parish 饰)是一对结婚多年的夫妻,彼此之间感情非常的要好。一天,下班后,艾伦决定和同事去酒吧小酌一杯放松一下,哪知道这个决定彻底改变了他和崔西卡两个人的人生。艾伦遭遇的非常严重的车祸,陷入了昏迷之中。得知噩耗的崔西卡并没有选择放弃,而是一直守在昏迷的丈夫…
  • It's time for the children of the night to rejoice! Your Emperor is here!The deepest and darkest corners of the Netherworld have unleashed the fury and passion that will be felt to your very core! With blinding speed through dark demonic passages, Emperor has harnessed the command of the hellions below, presenting you …
  • Since this is a compilation of songs starting at the Goo album,I won't be too harsh on the fact that Sonic Youth made a lot of great albums before that(EVOL and Daydream Nation rank amongst the greatest albums ever made)which aren't present on this DVD.This DVD is a great add-on for any fan of the band as I am myself.T…
  • 电影恐怖
    你能多爱一个人?乐其所乐,悲其所悲?为对方付出一切,出生入死,甘愿奉上性命?  甚至,出卖灵魂,和鬼魂打交道?……  君初(黎明饰)和曼丽(范冰冰饰)早论及婚嫁,却因为一场车祸,天人永隔;君初眼睁睁看着未婚妻香消玉陨,无力回天。  君初整个人崩溃,整日关在阴森幽阔的老宅子里回想从前,痛苦难以名状。母亲半哄半骗逼他和三三(刘…
  • 电影动作
  • Some of Europe's leading horror filmmakers unite to bring you a collection of terrifying horror stories.