搜索 Mony

  • 很久以前,某座医院,5名孕妇同时分娩却同时死亡。其中一名女婴似乎拥有神奇的力量,她不仅能止住其他婴儿的哭声,并且当把她放入水中洗涤时,她的体内还会流出黑色液体。许多年后,这个被护士偷走抚养的女孩安娜长大成人,她能够感知他人的痛苦,并且通过接触吸走对方的负面情绪。与之相对,她则背负负面情绪痛苦不堪,因此需要尽快洗浴赶走体…
  • Video clip of Paul Simon's hit song "You Can Call Me Al" from the album Graceland. A comedy act starring both Simon and Chevy Chase with a concept created by Lorne Michaels where Chase's character is having a photo opportunity by stealing the act from Simon while dubbing his song. Later on, both enjoy some go…
  • 电影家庭
  • Every year the Brothers of the Delta Chi Alpha fraternity initiate new members at their secluded cabin in the forest. Mimicking the rite-of-passage ritual of the Blood, the Native American Tribe that once lived on the land, the Brothers ditch their initiates in the dark forest on a moonless night to be judged by the sp…
  • A male child is born who happens to be the son of the devil. As an infant, the child manages to get his grandfather killed by crawling on a ledge. Later he is being filmed, gets spanked, and manifests his Satanic side. As a young man, he fully manifests as a demon. Friends, family, and a potential love interest try to …
  • 老式的唱片机放松出激昂振奋的乐曲。全身上下精心打理的理发师哈里神情自若,伴随着音乐,他优雅地为客人剃头刮脸。谁知工作进行到一半时,唱片机突然不再工作了。哈里停下来查看,却怎么也搞不定。相熟的客人安慰了他,将唱片机拿走修理。哈里无奈地站在窗前,理发店橱窗上清楚地写着“只准白人入内”的字样。显然,哈里是一个种族观念十分强的…
  • Just after the First World War Fred Roberts goes for a job as a newspaper journalist and tells the sub-editor how, in the trenches in 1916, he discovered a printing press in working order. Helped by ex-printer Sergeant Harris and with his friend Jack Pearson as his assistant, he sets up the Wipers Times - the name comi…