搜索 Moreira

  • 电影剧情
    五岁的泽泽(João Guilherme de Ávila 饰)是一个和其他小孩不太一样的男孩,他似乎比同龄人要成熟的多,在圣诞节那天出生的他在刚开始总是被亲戚朋友们视为上帝的恩赐,但他出生在一个贫穷而且多灾多难的家庭之中,在父亲失业,妈妈和姐姐不得不进工厂打工后,泽泽在家里的待遇一落千丈,常常遭到莫名的打骂的责难。虽然泽泽的日子很难过,但…
  • In 1883, in Italy, Father Dom Bosco had a visionary dream about the building of the city of Brasilia, capital of Brazil since 1960. It was revealed to him that, at the day of his death, a process of three generations of sixty years each would begin. In the first two generations, mankind's attitudes would be evaluated, …
  • This film, the first version of the Juan Moreira story by Eduardo Gutiérrez (second filmed in 1973), exist. But it is not going to show up anywhere and neither Kino, Image, Milestone or anyone of those companies would ever bother to make i…
  • 1950s. At the village of Rio Bonito, cowboy Diogo leads a horde of oxen to the Ouro Fino Ranch. When passing by the Remanso Farm, he meets Rodrigo, a boy who dreams of becoming a cowboy. Soon they become friends and witnesses of the wrong doings that happen in the region due to Major Batista's greed. The major orders h…
  • 莱昂纳多.法维奥是阿根廷新浪潮电影主将之一, 这部影片是他的代表作品, 被誉为阿根廷版的《四百下》, 同时也是导演对其恩师托雷.尼尔松的致敬影片.影片讲述一个流浪男孩孤独的生活, 被抓进教养院里的残酷生活, 以细腻的现实主义笔触控诉了军阀统治下战争中社会的黑暗和苦难, 一部难忘的杰作.
  • 索尼娅是一个二十岁左右的俄罗斯女孩,为了过上更好的生活,她离开了在圣彼得堡的家人和朋友,毫不犹豫地踏上了出国的征途。实际上她是一个毫无生活经验的女孩,对未来憧憬着不切实际的幻想。她的欧洲之旅经过了德国、意大利,最终停留在了葡萄牙,索尼娅将要在那里承受巨大的苦难和堕落。而本片所要讲述的正是另一个欧洲……