搜索 Peixoto

  • At her birthday party, a little girl disappears and her family is left desperate. Years later, their hope returns in the form of a seaside young woman.
  • In 1883, in Italy, Father Dom Bosco had a visionary dream about the building of the city of Brasilia, capital of Brazil since 1960. It was revealed to him that, at the day of his death, a process of three generations of sixty years each would begin. In the first two generations, mankind's attitudes would be evaluated, …
  • 影片是根据真人真事改编,描写巴西备受争议的扮装皇后莎塔崛起前的传奇故事,展现了20世纪30年代里约热内卢红灯区底层人们的生存状态。 莎塔在龙蛇杂处的拉帕区,生长于贫穷和混乱之中,毒品,犯罪,卖淫...生活不一而足。他备受侮辱,然而内心存在自己的梦想,那就是歌唱。他与一个黑人,一个白人妇女及她的小女孩生活在一起,他们相互扶助。他…
  • 18世纪,一位年轻的葡萄牙制图师在一次南美探险中发现了新形式的爱情、战争和一个狂野的新世界
  • 电影