搜索 Patina

  • She received rave reviews – and a Tony Award – for her performance in Broadway’s revival of Pippin. And soon she’ll be featured in the next installment of “The Hunger Games.” Tonight you’ll hear how she got from Pageland, South Carolina,…
  • Paschalis 是一位农艺家, 三十不惑的他即将与他的深爱的 Anthoula 步上红地毯... 然而老天跟他开了一个玩笑, 他误上了去往西佛诺斯岛的船, 在那儿他遇见了 Zoi, 一位漂亮但古怪的摄影师."屋漏又逢连夜雨", 小岛船员开始罢工, Paschalis 被困在这个陌生的地方不知如何赶去参加婚礼! 但当他与 Zoi 遇见一对愿意帮助他的夫妇后,…
  • An example of ironic Soviet propagandistic film from the silent era, this film chronicles the adventures of an American, "Mr. West," and his faithful bodyguard and servant Jeddie, as they visit the land of the horrible, evil Bolsheviks. Through various mishaps, Mr. West discovers that the Soviets are actually…
  • 一个名叫米拉(Mila)的年轻女孩没有注意到她正在24/7处于监视之下。一天回家,她被绑架了。身份不明的绑架者将她关在老车库里,通过扩音器与她交谈并设定严格的规则:她一定不能睡觉,但必须完成他们为她准备的奇怪任务。看起来好像有人的病态想法和令人沮丧的娱乐。尽管如此,这个女孩仍然不怀疑她是无情实验的一部分