搜索 Pig

  • Whoopi Goldberg, star of Ghost and The Color Purple, made her first splash off-Broadway with a one-woman show of vivid characters called The Spook Show--a title dropped when the show transferred to Broadway proper, which was then turned into a TV special called Direct From Broadway in 1985. Twenty years later she revis…
  • Two Soviet sailors, Peter and Sergei, go ashore in Liverpool to spend one night on the town. Peter can speak a minimal amount of English but it's enough to make contact with two Liverpudlian natives, Elaine and Theresa. Elaine and Peter immediately fall in love with each other, but the night is short and they must leav…
  • 在经典街机游戏的黄金时代,《时代》周刊邀请了各个游戏的最高分得主,做了一期节目。Walter Day作为当时的组织者之一,决心成为经典街机游戏的裁判,与几位好友继续置身于更新积分榜。Billy Mitchell作为游戏《金刚》的最高分纪录持有者,在之后的20多年内并没有任何人能够挑战他的记录。而在2005年,Steve Wiebe打破了这个记录,并将视…
  • 电影
    卡门(玛鲁施卡•迪特马斯 Maruschka Detmers 饰)找到在医院住院的伯父戈达尔(让-吕克•戈达尔 Jean-Luc Godard 饰),借口和朋友拍摄电影向他要海边的别墅住。戈达尔状态怪诞,呆在医院里盼望着生病边写作,一边又渴望着能有拍片的机会,同意了卡门的要求。卡门在一场银行抢劫中结识了警察约瑟夫,两人搏斗后竟然互生好感相恋。卡门带约瑟夫…
  • 一通無奈的爭吵電話,導致一場意外車禍,卻又促成一段暗藏殺機的愛戀風暴。雅痞菲力普與未婚妻在電話裡爭吵時,無意間撞倒一名男孩,當場慌掉的他開車離去,卻不斷打聽男孩的下落,男孩的單身母親也在此時暗中追查兇手。克里斯汀培周擅長以豐富層次循序展開內心情感獨白,處理手法聰明細膩,聚焦精準嚴謹,加上優雅的攝影風格,使本片成為一頁緩…