A simple story about simple people. A 38 old divorced woman (Marie), who now has a lover (Serge) but decides to leave him, abort his baby, and then returns with her ex-husband (Georges). Their daily life and of their friends, who have the same typical problems.
The goriest and sickest scenes from the Guinea pig movies all in one movie. ------------------------------- IMDB User Comments The best of Guinea Pig, 30 October 2001 Author Lord of All Fevers Plague from The Netherlands The Slaught…
晦暗死寂的法国海边小镇,令人窒息。泥瓦匠塞巴斯蒂安(乔治·巴布鲁阿尼 George Babluani饰)终日的工作就是替房主修补房顶,枯燥无味。一天,房主收到了一封神秘信件后,却因吸毒过量死在了浴室。当塞巴斯蒂安得知这封信中隐藏着巨大财富的秘密时,决定按照信封中的火车票和路线,代替房东赴约。然而到达目的地之后,他才意识到这是一次疯狂野…