搜索 Pollak

  • The true story of Ruby Bridges, an African-American girl who, in 1960 at age 6, helped to integrate and the segregarding of all-white schools of New Orleans. Although she was the only black girl to come to the school she was sent to, and since all the white mothers pulled their children out of class, she was the only o…
  • A police profiler (Mark Thompson) has just returned from psychiatric leave only to find that he is caught up in a serial killer's rampage. Fighting to keep buried the trauma of his childhood, he must confront the all too-familiar flesh masks that the killer leaves on the faces of his victims. He must face his own demon…
  • 1976年,芝加哥。大部分三年级学生都在过他们的暑假,8岁的彼得却因在校犯事,被恶修女警告已迈向地狱之门,除非他在这个暑假修成正果。彼得决定在区内广行善事,虽未能「招揽」信徒,却渐渐与7岁犹太男孩丹尼结为好友。彼得向丹尼说只要信奉天主教就可得救赎,后来得知丹尼患上白血病。确保丹尼能上天堂成为彼得当前使命,两人踏上探索人生、宗…
  • 2005奧斯卡外語片入圍電影《就像在天堂》睽違十年的續集,一個關於愛、音樂、舞蹈如何撫平悲傷的動人故事。因心臟病發而辭掉事業,回到瑞典北方村莊熱心指導唱詩班的世界知名指揮家-丹尼爾達列過世了,留下一群詩班團員難過無所適從,而他的摯愛-女高音蓮娜正孤單等待兩人的孩子出生。
  • 雷吉纳尔德伯爵城堡的主人因赌债累累已落入到了十分困难的地步。恰巧,一个女孩因为逃婚搭车来到这里并在胡贝特的酒店里见到他。她建议出租他城堡的狩猎场办一个狩猎学校,赚钱用来解决目前的经济危机。狩猎学校成功地办起来了,奇怪的是,所有学员似乎没有兴趣在打猎上......