- Kirik Party is the story of a gang of mischievous students, led by the protagonist Karna (Rakshit Shetty), who have just joined an engineering college. They belong to different streams of engineering but develop a bond while staying together in the hostel. The treatment is stylish with light humour throughout while exp…
- Malpe is a small fishing town on the Arabian Coast, located 6 kilometers to the west of the temple town of Udupi. Malpe's beaches are washed clean everyday by the sea. The waves ensure that nothing gets left behind on the sands. But then, the waves cannot reach everything. It is the time of the year when Udupi and its …
- The film is about Venkob Rao(Anant Nag), a middle class simpleton ailing with Alzheimer's, who goes missing. His son, Shiva(Rakshit Shetty) is a career driven person, who is forced to pause his hectic life to search for his father. Sahana(shruti hariharan)a doctor who takes care of venkob rao also gets involved. In his…