- Kirik Party is the story of a gang of mischievous students, led by the protagonist Karna (Rakshit Shetty), who have just joined an engineering college. They belong to different streams of engineering but develop a bond while staying together in the hostel. The treatment is stylish with light humour throughout while exp…
- Prakash (Madan Puri) and Ranjit (Anwar Hussain) are criminals engaged in various nefarious activities. One day they are arrested in Ranjit's home, leaving behind Ranjit's wife, Shanti (Sulochana) and child, Dev. Shanti relocates to a friend's (Mumtaz Begum), who also has a child by the name of Salim. Years past, Dev (R…
- "Mungaru Male 2" is the sequel to 2006 Blockbuster "Mungaru Male". This romantic movie features Golden star Ganesh and Crazy star V.Ravichandran for the first time together along with newbie Neha shetty, Aindrita Ray, Shilpa Manjunath, Ravishankar, Sadhu kokila and others.
- Prema Geema Jaane Do is a soft romantic comedy. The movie is about the protagonist setting up a journey to a new place and meeting new people.Why he hates love and what is in his past forms the main crux of the story.
- Set against an urban backdrop, "Badmaash" is a romantic thriller about Vijay, an intelligent, playful and witty lad and Priya, an RJ and a fiercely passionate Kannadiga who tries to teach Kannada and Indian culture to Non-Indians through street plays and theatrical plays. Right from their first encounter, Vij…
- A devout but a very naive Muslim youth Banne (Ashish Kaul) leaves his home-land to go to the City to live with Shakeel (vikas Anand), and his beautiful daughter Sabha (Juni). He expects to be pampered as he has been at his home, and Shakeel and Sabha do their best to make him feel at home. He and Sabha slowly get attra…