- Kirik Party is the story of a gang of mischievous students, led by the protagonist Karna (Rakshit Shetty), who have just joined an engineering college. They belong to different streams of engineering but develop a bond while staying together in the hostel. The treatment is stylish with light humour throughout while exp…
- When the hurricane shuts down the ferry, a film team gets stuck in an isolated island hospital, known for a silent psychological war between the inmates and the staff.
- Ari Shaffir: Double Negative: ChildrenAri Shaffir: Double Negative: Adulthood
- The film is based on the famous French Crime Thriller, Nuit Blanche (Sleepless Nights). Kamal Hassan, (Vasu) is a police officer with the Narcotics bureau and is planning to rob and raid a famous drug gang.What starts off as a good plan slowly turns extremely sour when the leader of the gang kidnap, Vasu’s son. The mov…