搜索 Rodrigue

  • 热恋中的马克和瑞秋,在世界上最棒的餐厅预约了晚餐。那间餐厅位在西班牙东北方最美丽的海岸线上,一位难求到必须等到一年后才能轮得到他们…。他们并发现预定的那个夜晚,碰巧也是餐厅正式结束营业的前夕。换句话说,这将是此生能品尝这间餐厅佳肴的最后机会…。   然而,马克和瑞秋一年后却分手了、也从此不再见面,但两人都不想放弃这一生…
  • 政府腐败蛇鼠一窝,清廉注定无运行。杀无赦的法官终于敌不过「时代洪流」,遭贬谪后又不幸遭流弹射中,成了哑子。他不甘吃黄连,要找出真凶,那可是仇家?桉件结下的樑子八百,他认定那八百中之一,找上贪警,像唐吉诃德傻瓜式单打独斗。一如前作《十月的神蹟》,韦加兄弟以小人物乖行告诉你国家问题有几深重,明明绝路一条,再走下去就是黑黑的…
  • 电影喜剧
    露丝(茵玛·库艾斯塔 Inma Cuesta 饰)是一名海洋生物学家,在事业上颇有建树的她在感情上却屡屡受挫,一天,前男友之一的佩德罗(贝尔托·罗梅罗 Berto Romero 饰)找到了露丝,邀请她来参加自己的婚礼,与此同时,她的另一个前男友密尔克(帕科·莱昂 Paco León 饰)也发来了相同的邀请,这让至今孤身一人的露丝感到非常的郁闷。丹尼(马丁…
  • A famous American filmmaker travels to the Yucatán to scout locations for his last movie. The Mayan Apocalypse intercedes.
  • 一家四口去迪士尼乐园游玩,父亲在接到老板电话后就开始变得古怪异常,他把乐园里的动画角色都想象成邪恶的坏蛋,还经历了自杀、洗脑等恐怖事件。
  •   Six-episode miniseries aiming at discovering why two very different regions of the planet, very far away from each other, are so rich in biodiversity; two unique places on Earth that serve as natural bridges between continents.Central Am…
  • Jeff Dunham's Minding the Monsters brings together your favorites-- Walter, Peanut, Bubba J, Jose Jalapeno... On a Steek!, and Achmed the Dead Terrorist as you've never seen them before! Enter the ultimate haunted house where Walter transforms into something grumpier than he already is! Watch Bubba J rise from the dead…
  • One night can change your life forever....The night begins...A boy is celebrating his sixteenth birthday with his rowdy group of friends who all agree- there's no better gift to gift him than his first sexual experience.They book him a night with a prostitute. the night grows deeper...The boy strikes an unusual connect…
  • 十九世纪末期,政府向著名的乌拉圭画家布拉内斯提出塑造阿蒂加斯传说。在寻找灵感的时候,画家找到了七十年前西班牙间谍的笔记。电影讲述了三个男人的故事:带领军队逃离的反抗者阿蒂加斯,西班牙间谍和布拉内斯,试图描绘一个真正的民族英雄。